
Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Resolutions

We've entered the New Year really happy!

Prima zi din 2016...
Am trecut intr-un nou an, 2016 imi promite sa fie mai linistit, mai usor, mai productiv. Sper la toate acestea, dupa 2015, care mie mi s-a parut un an greu, plin de provocari si de un dute vino constant. Ce imi doresc de la noul an este simplu, mai mult timp. Mai mult timp pentru mine, pentru ceea ce imi place sa fac, mai mult timp pentru prieteni, mai mult timp pentru familie. Imi doresc sa nu treaca la fel de repede si pe nesimtite ca 2015, sa ma lase din nou cu un gust amar de nereusita. Imi propun un singur lucru, deoarece in fiecare an am fost lacoma si mi-am facut liste interminabile de "rezolutii", pe care nu am reusit sa le respect, din cauza lipsei de timp. M-am inhamat la o gramada de promisiuni in trecut, iar 2015 s-a terminat cu un sentiment puternic de nereusita. Nu am reusit sa imi ating telurile stabilite la sfarsit de 2014 si din frustrare am alergat haotic in toate directiile sa incerc sa completez spatiile libere. Anul acesta imi doresc sa invat sa investesc altfel timpul, atat momentele libere rezervate mie, cat si momentele pe care le petrec cu prietenii sau chiar si cele in care sunt la servici. Vreau ca sfarsitul acestui an sa ma gaseasca linistita, pregatita si mai ales implinita. 

Cu toate ca a fost un an greu, 2015 mi-a oferit niste ocazii noi, de care am profitat cu placere si care mi-au adus mari satisfactii. Am avut sansa sa cunosc oameni noi din domeniul, care m-a atras dintotdeauna, fashion industry. Am construit acest blog in ideea de a-mi exprima propria perspectiva asupra modei, trendurilor si a ceea ce eu consider de calitate. Vreau sa merg pe aceasta directie, sa continui sa scriu, sa imi impartasesc gusturile si preferintele in materie de moda, cultura, oameni de calitate, deoarece in asta gasesc cea mai mare satisfactie. Vreau sa ma folosesc de rubrica IT People de a va vorbi despre spectacole, artisti, oameni talentanti, care ma inspira sau de la care doresc sa invat ceva, de asemenea vreau sa imi completez Outfit Post-urile pentru ca asta ma defineste, felul in care aleg tinutele si accesoriile ma reprezinta 100%. Am multe planuri pentru acest blog si imi doresc sa il transform intr-o sursa de incredere pentru totate cititoarele sau toti cititorii si sa reusesc sa ating subiecte de interes, sa construiesc un continut cu substanta sa va atrag prin calitate si sa evit superficialitatea. 

Pe plan profesional, 2015 a fost un an dur, am invatat multe, am facut multe greseli, am incercat mereu sa imi depasesc capacitatile, sa fortez limitele personale, sa ma perfectionez si sper ca in 2016 sa imi canalizez energia si concentrarea pentru a ma depasi profesional, pe mine, cea din 2015. Imi doresc sa fie mai usor, dar asta nu e niciodata o optiune, atunci cand vrei sa evoluezi, asa ca ma voi multumi doar cu puterea de a continua si de a invata lucruri noi. 

Acestea sunt gandurile mele la inceput de 2016 si nu o sa fac anul acesta o lista de rezolutii precise, imi doresc sa ma concentrez pe tot ceea ce imi place si sa evit lucrurile de umplutura, care mi-ar putea deranja traiectoria. Va doresc si voua un An Nou minunat si mai ales sa reusiti sa va bucurati de tot ceea ce rezerva in ritmul si stilul vostru! La multi ani 2016!

First day of 2016...
Welcome 2016, please be more pacient with me, please be less chaotic and more productive. I hope this year will be easier than the previous. 2015 was full of obstacles and I was constantly on the run. The one thing that I wish for 2016 is more time, more time for me and my hobbies and definetely more time for my friends and family. I hope that by the end of 2016 I will not have this unsettling feeling of failure. Last New Year's Eve I was caught up in endless lists of resolutions. I was greedy and unfortunately I wasn't able to respect all of them, mainly because of the lack of time. Frustrated, I forced myself to complete the tasks that I had set and obviously failed to do so. Therefore I wish to succed in wisely planning my time and to manage to achieve my goals by carefully thinking my every move. By the end of this New Year I wish to become more pacient, more calm, more prepared and more fullfilled. 

Despite the hardship of this past year, I had some amazing opportunies. I met great new people, talented artitsts and some members of my favorite field, the fashion industry. I also created this blog, that allows me to present my take on fashion, culture, trends and lifestyle. My wish is to be able to keep this 'diary' and to fill it with quality articles and good writing. I would love to include more quality people in my IT People section, to be given the opportunity to meet even more artists and people who inspire me and to share their experience with you. Also I want to keep expressing my personality, in photos, I want to reveal myself through my style, my fashion choices and I wish to be able to truly distinguish myself. My hope is to succed in creating a quality blog, based on reality and far from the superficial. I want to win over my readers with well writen pieces and inspiring articles. 

Professionally, 2015 was really hard, I made lots of mistakes, learned lots of lessons, tried to do my best and to exceed my limits. Overall I managed to improve myself, to upgrade, and hopefully 2016 will be better and more productive. I want to evolve and I am aware that without ambition and hard work there is no evolution, so I wish to be able to focus and to channel my energy and use it towards achieving my professional goals. 

These are my New Year's Resolutions, I will not make lists of meaningless activities anymore and hope to be able to enjoy this year and also to achieve my goals in my own style. I wish you an amazing year filled with succes, happiness and love.  Happy New Year!

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