
Friday, February 19, 2016

Paisi, furry amazing style all the way!

Am aflat de Paisi de pe site-ul Moja, spre care ma indrept de fiecare data cand vreau sa ma delectez cu creatii superbe autohtone si nu numai. Initial am descoperit accesoriile pentru genti de tipul bug bag, urmand sa fiu condusa spre adevaratele capodopere ale brand-ului. Dupa ce m-am familiarizat putin cu frumoasele haine de blana, au inceput sa-mi invadeze instagram feed-ul din toate directiile. Vazusem jacheta chic burgundy, din blana de capra la Alina Eremia, pretioasa haina de blana midi, insotind-o pe Roxana Voloseniuc la New York fashion week si superba haina de orilag pe umerii Antoniei. Pe urma am avut ocazia sa probez toate aceste bijuterii la Napoca 15, cand Paisi ne-a vizitat la Cluj. M-am indragostit iremediabil de jacheta din blana de capra roz, atat de usoara la purtat cu un efect minunat.

Noua colectie "Joy", emana culoare si bucurie, fiind construita pe un joc de nuante si texturi. Paisi abordeaza diverse combinatii intrigante, precum dantela x blana sau casmir x blana. Mixul dantela x blana este unul indraznet cu un rezultat final deosebit, combinatie, pe care nu oricine se incumeta sa o materializeze, fiind greu de obtinut la acest nivel de calitate. Colectia "Joy" se rezuma la combinarea culorilor si abordarea hainei de blana in diferite texturi si simetrii. Exista haine, care combina doua materiale de blana, capra x vulpe pentru obtinerea unui aspect fresh. Astfel toate aceste elemente construiesc un profil jucaus, avand menirea sa condimenteze street style-ul in functie de noile tendinte in moda. 

Scopul Paisi este de a crea haina de blana inafara vechiilor tipare, conform carora aceasta trebuia sa fie voluminoasa, greoaie, un simbol al luxului exagerat. Paisi doreste sa reinventeze haina de blana si sa o adapteze oricarui tip de tinuta, iar caracteristica de baza a brand-ului este comfortul, usurinta cu care acestea pot fi purtate. 

Printre piesele Paisi, regasim si unul dintre articolele most wanted, vesta de blana, in numeroase culori si abordari. De asemenea, capele Paisi sunt absolut superbe si extrem de versatile, putand fi asortate la orice stil de tinuta. 

Colaborarea Paisi x Andreea Badala (Murmur) a rezultat in cateva piese incantatoare cu design edgy, perfecte pentru tinutele glam rock (preferatele mele). Pe langa jachetele de blana scurte si indraznete, gulerele clasice, aceasta colaborare mai aduce si un articol cu adevarat special, si anume gulerul multifunctional, care poate fi adaptat in functie de tinuta si purtat in mai multe variante. 

Daca in trecut haina de blana parasea dulapul doar in compania unei rochii de seara si a accesoriilor pretentioase, acum, sub o noua infatisare, mai indrazneata, in culori vibrante si taieturi edgy o putem asorta in orice imprejurare.

"Paisi, style that never fades..."



I discovered Paisi a few time ago on the Moja website, the virtual place I seek whenever I feel like browsing for beautiful designs. At first, I found the bug bag accesories from Paisi. Soon I discovered the masterpieces of the brand, the most beautiful fur coats. After stalking the brand for a while, these gorgeous jackets started flooding my instagram feed. They were basically on everyone famous. First I saw the beautiful burgundy goat fur jacket on Alina Eremia, then Roxana Voloseniuc took her gorgeous Paisi fur to New York fashion week, and then I spotted it on Antonia's shoulders. So, aparently, everybody loves Paisi. A few weeks ago I had the great opportunity of trying these babies on at Napoca 15, when Paisi came to visit Cluj and brought their precious coats. I had a blast and fell in love with the pink furry jacket, that is divine. 

The new collection is called "Joy" and is all about colour and happiness. "Joy" is also a game of texture and simetry, that mixes different types of fabrics, such as lace x fur or cashmere x fur. The lace x fur is a tricky combo, that only some can master succesfully, like Paisi. The colorful approach of the fur coat manages to bring this outstanding piece to street style. There are also coats that use two different types of fur, goat and fox to creat a special look. All these elements build up a playful profile for the brand, meant to spice the daily wear. 

Paisi stands for comfortable luxurious clothing, easy to wear items that look amazing and complete the outfit in a fantastic manner. They also want to break the old patterns, redesign the fur coat to overcome the old concept of the big, heavy, extremely elegant piece, and bring it to the next level. The vests and capes are gorgeous and extremely versatile winning the" most wanted" title.

The collaboration between Andreea Badala (Murmur) and Paisi generated some pretty spectacular pieces, such as the glam rock jackets, the beautiful classy collars and of course the amazing multifunctional collar, that can be worn in several chic ways. 

The fur coat used to be paired only with evening gowns and pretentious jewellry, but not anymore! Now you can pair these beauties with everything and wear them wherever you feel like. 

Find Paisi:

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