
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Grammys Evolution?

Urmarim an de an toate decernarile de premii posibile, pentru a afla care sunt cei mai buni, cei mai fabulosi, ce mai cautati si nu in ultimul rand cei mai bine imbracati. Unul dintre evenimentele statement in ceea ce priveste declaratiile de fashion & styling este faimosul Grammys' Awards, care a ajuns anul acesta la a 58-a editie. Exact, 58 de editii de artisti de calitate si haute couture la cel mai inalt nivel. Am ales cateva tinute de la aceasta editie, pe care vreau sa le dezbatem putin, comparandu-le cu cele de anul trecut. Oare mai evolueaza moda si tendintele sau doar se adapteaza? 

We keep watching all the awards' ceremonies in order to find out who are the best, the most fabulous, the most wanted and the best dressed. One of these events is the well known Grammys Awards Show, that reached the 58th edition, this year. That's right, 58 editions of talented artists and  haute couture at it's finnest. I chose some outfits from this year's show and I would love to discuss them with you, by comparing them to the previous looks from the 57th show. Is fashion evolving, are new trends developing, or they just adapt somehow..?

Case study no. 1 Beyonce

2015 Proenza Schouler                                       2016 Inbal Dror

Nu cred ca vom avea vreodata ocazia, sau nevoia de a o critica pe Beyonce in ceea ce priveste tinutele, sau orice altceva. Pe langa cariera uimitoare pe care o cladeste si o consolideaza de atatia ani, Queen Bee si-a dezvoltat de asemenea si un stil inconfundabil, impecabil. Chiar daca anul acesta a ales o rochie din gama Bridal Couture, reuseste sa impresioneze in continuare si sa arate uimitor. Cu toate acestea, linia rochiei de anul acesta, in opinia mea, este construita foarte similar cu cea a rochiei de anul trecut. Mi se pare ca pana si trecerea de la negru la alb poate fi considerata un cliseu. Pe langa nuanta parului, care se mentine si machiajul nude consecvent, persista si tendinta de a accesoriza cu inele statement. 

I am sure that we'll never have the occasion, nor the need to criticize Beyonce fashion-wise or for any other purposes. Besides having built an amazing career, Queen Bee also managed to develop an outstanding personal style and an amazing image. Even though she picked a Bridal Couture dress for this Grammys show she nailed the look. However, in my opinion, this year's dress keeps the same line as the dress she wore last year at the same event. I feel that shifting from black to white can be seen as a cliche. Hair color and nude make up hues lasted and so did the statement rings.

Case study no. 2 Lady Gaga

2015 Brandon Maxwell                           2016 Marc Jacobs     

Lady Gaga ne-a obisnuit cu aparente socante pe toate covoarele rosii, pe care a pasit vreodata, iar anul acesta tinuta sa, s-a vrut a fi un tribut adus lui David Bowie. So far so good. Comparatia dintre cele doua look-uri, mi se pare evidenta, si se axeaza pe un element cheie, si anume crapatura pe picior a celor doua rochii. La fel ca si Beyonce, Lady Gaga mentine linia rochiei. 

Lady Gaga shocked us with all her red carpet appearances, and this year she dressed in the memory of the late David Bowie. So far so good. The common characteristic of the two outfits is as in Beyonce's case, the line of the dresses. 

Case study no. 3 Zendaya

2015 Vivienne Westwood                                            2016 DSquared2

Gasesc extrem de inspirata alegerea tuxedo, cu fiecare ocazie, iar Zendaya a aratat extraordinar pe covorul rosu al premiilor Grammys 2016. Mi-a placut la fel de mult si tinuta de anul trecut. Avem pe display doua alegeri foarte mature, bine gandite si frumos accesorizate. Singurul element, pe care il au in comun cele doua look-uri se rezuma la freza. Cu toate ca a schimbat culoarea, Zendaya a pastrat linia coafurii. 

I find the tuxedo approach really fresh and I always like an outfit based on a suit. Zendaya looked amazing at the 2016 Grammys Awards Show. I also loved her 2015 outfit, they both seem so mature and well chosen. The only common element is the haircut. Even though she chose a totally different colour this year, she kept the hair line. 

Case study no. 4 Taylor Swift 

2015 Elie Saab                         2016 Atelier Versace
Dupa reusita de anul trecut in materie de outfit, Taylor Swift a continuat pe aceeasi unda de fashion. Rochia in nuanta Teal de anul trecut a facut furori si a fost laudata de toate revistele de moda si nu numai. Cu siguranta acest lucru a constituit un factor relevant in alegerea tinutei de anul acesta, deoarece pare destul de similara. Acelasi stil de crapatura, insa mult mai indraznet, culori puternice, vibrante si accesorizare minima, reteta succesului unui outfit marca Taylor Swift. Nu a renuntat la articolul semnatura si anume crop top-ul.  

After the amazing outfit of the 2015 Grammys, Taylor Swift created a pretty similar look for this year's show. She looked amazing of course, but you can see some common stuff, don't you? The skirt is beautiful and even more daring than the teal one from last year. She also chose bold, vibrant colours and less accessories. I believe this is Taylor's recipe for an amazing look. Also, she managed to include her signature item in the mix, the crop top. Overall, great outfit!

I hope you enjoy the post!

1 comment:

  1. And at the opposite side of the spectrum..... Joy Villa's outfit x.x
