
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Standing ovations for the Dance Emotion show by Mario Dance Atelier

Photo Credits: Stefan Badulescu

Sambata seara, 19.12.2015, la ora 20:00, locatia Teatrul National Cluj-Napoca a avut loc spectacolul Dance Emotion by Mario Dance Atelier. Daca ati vazut vreunul din spectacolele anterioare ale acestei companii de dans, precum Nichita & Tango, Raices, Vissi d'Arte, etc. stiti despre ce nivel de calitate este vorba. Eu am avut placerea sa vizionez pe aceeasi scena, a Teatrului National si spectacolul Vissi d'Arte, anul trecut. Cu toate ca am savurat si spectacolul de anul trecut si am admirat miscarile gratioase ale talentatilor dansatori, spectacolul de anul acesta, Dance Emotion mi-a trezit apetitul pentru genul acesta de reprezentatii. Marturisesc ca in timpul momentului de dans contemporan, adaptat pe Hozier-Take me to church am fost coplesita de emotie, pe modulul piele de gaina. Cred ca a fost una dintre cele mai frumoase reprezentatii, pe care am avut ocazia sa o vad vreodata, in direct. 

Show-ul a fost construit impecabil, pe structura unei povesti despre lupii de mare si viata pe corabie. Spectacolul creat de Mario Grosu s-a derulat pe mai multe tablouri, mai multe imagini, conturate desavarsit cu ajutorul coregrafiei originale a momentelor de dans modern si contemporan, reprezentatiilor de acrobatie excelent executate, episodului seducator de tango si nu in ultimul rand momentul extraordinar de bodypercution. Cei doi 'delegati', colaboratori ai Cirque du Soleil au reusit sa incinga atmosfera cu un show remarcabil de bodypercution, care a ridicat sala in picioare. Ropotele de aplauze ii impiedicau pe artisti sa isi desfasoare momentul, fiind nevoiti sa roage sala sa astepte finalul! Intreaga sala a Teatrului National a trait momentul la unison cu cei doi artisti talentati si i-au ovationat in permanenta, pe parcursul reprezentatiei. Astfel, momentul de bodypercution nu numai ca a adus un plus de magie spectacolului, dar a contribuit la crearea unui show de succes. 

Episoadele seducatoare de tango au fost scaldate in aplauzele publicului, iar dansatoarele au uimit prin gratie si miscari impecabile. Mi-a placut in mod deosebit, postura dansatoarelor si simetria echipei, formate din siluete superbe, similare, insa distingandu-se fiecare printr-un moment solo. 
Sceneta pusa la cale pentru momentul tango-ului, lupta dintre doua femei pentru atentia unui barbat a fost surprinsa foarte intens si clar de cele doua dansatoare (foto sus). Un alt moment superb de dans a avut loc pe frumoasa melodie Jessie Ware-Say you love me, si a reusit sa o reprezinte impecabil, cu ajutorul a doi tineri dansatori extraordinar de talentati.
Spectacolul a fost un succes, derulat in fata unei sali arhi-pline. Il recomand din tot sufletul celor pasionati de frumos, de dans si de arta. 

I attended the Dance Emotion by Mario Dance Atelier show this Saturday at the National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca. If you had seen some of Mario Grosu’s shows before I am pretty sure you understand what I am talking about, outstanding quality and incredible performances. You may have also heard about the previous shows, such as Nichita & Tango, Raices or Vissi d’Arte. I had the pleasure of attending the Vissi d’Arte show last December and I was really pleased by the performance. However Dance Emotion took my passion for art to the next level. The Hozier-Take me to church performance was outstanding, it was so amazing that it gave me goose bumps. I believe it was one of the most impressive performances that I have ever witnessed live.

The show was incredibly built, based on a structure of a beautiful sea men story. The spectacle created by Mario was divided into several scenes, represented by the original choreographies of both modern and contemporary dances, the  impressive acrobatics moves, the seductive tango moments and least but not last the surreal bodypercution act. The artists responsible for the amazing bodypercution moment are actually working with Cirque du Soleil. They managed to keep the audience fascinated and enchanted. At one point they were unable to perform, because the audience was so enthusiastic, that their ovations would cover their performance.

The sensual tango moments of the show were a delight for the public, and the dancers were able to portray their passion perfectly and to perform beautifully. Actually I was really impressed by the female dancers and their beautiful posture. They also managed to distinguish themselves during their solo performances.
I believe that the tango scene represents two women fighting for the attention of one man, and their opposing dance styles, performed with passion and skill were simply beautiful. I was hooked by their flawless performance.

Another amazing moment was the exquisite performance inspired by the gorgeous hit song Say you love me by Jessie Ware. The show was a smashing success and the theatre was completely full. I strongly recommend the show for people who are passionate about beauty, grace, dance and art. It really was an amazing pick!

Responsabilul pentru pozele superbe este Stefan Badulescu.
All the photo credits belong to Stefan Badulescu.
Find Mario Dance Atelier on Facebook here.


1 comment:

  1. Ce frumos...pare un spectacol reusit, poate vin si la Bucuresti :)

