
Monday, March 7, 2016

Street style according to Kendall Jenner

Vreau sa incep prin a preciza raspicat ca nu sunt o fana a clanului Kardashian-Jenner, insa trebuie sa recunoastem ca de-a lungul timpului, stilul lor vestimentar a avut o evolutie colosala. Kendall Jenner, la numai 20 de ani a reusit sa bifeze cateva realizari fenomenale. Pe langa faptul ca este una dintre cele mai cautate modele la ora actuala, una dintre muzele lui Olivier Roustening, are si un street style ireprosabil, demn de studiat. Admirandu-i stilul vestimentar, printre colectiile de poze Vogue si Glamour am decis sa recreez unele dintre cele mai reusite tinute ale acesteia pentru sezonul ce urmeaza. Astfel, putem imprumuta cateva dintre combinatiile ei de succes, la preturi muuult mai accesibile. Tinutele ei sunt degajate, lejere si foarte bine legate, perfecte pentru primavara si extrem de comode!

I am not a fan of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, but I have to admit their fashion sense has evolved amazingly. Kendall Jenner, aged 20, managed to become one of the most wanted models, a muse for Olivier Roustening and has an amazing street style. While admiring her outfits on the Vogue and Glamour archives I thought about sharing some of them with you, and also suggest some more affordable items, inspired by her street style. 

Study Case no. 1
photo source: Glamour Magazine
Primul exemplu de street style imaculat, compus dintr-o maleta intr-o nuanta mustar si pantaloni cu talie inalta. Ochelarii ii dau un aer foarte classy, iar accesoriile completeaza perfect tinuta. Am reconstituit aest outfit de succes folosind articole exclusiv H&M.

The first example of a perfect street syle outfit, made of a turtleneck shirt, a pair of white high waisted jeans, cool glasses for a chic touch and perfectly matched accessories. I managed to rebuild the outfit, using H&M items. 

all items H&M
Study Case no. 2
photo source: Vogue

Pantalonii culottes sunt foarte in tendinte acum si pe buna dreptate, sunt foarte lejeri si foarte chic in acelasi timp. Combinatia de alb si roz discret este impecabila si denota naturalete. Acest outfit este dovada ca si piese precum pantalonii culottes se combina exceptional cu o pereche de tenisi.

A proof of efortless fashion, that looks amazing. The powder pink/white combo is simply perfect and the accesories manage to create an outstanding street style outfit, meant to set you appart. 

Pantaloni culottes ZARA, top tricot stralucitor H&M, tenisi H&M, geanta Messager Venti Concept Store

Study Case no. 3
photo source: Glamour

Ultima tinuta studiata si reconstruita este una all black, executata perfect. Bluza cu maneci evazate este foarte cool, in special in combinatia cu pantalonii mulati si pantofii din piele lacuita. Per ansamblu confera un aspect degajat, insa foarte bine planificat. Alegerea accesoriilor este una oportuna, ochelarii de soare si gentuta neagra, completeaza look-ul misterios si pastreaza linia simpla  si clara a outfit-ului.

The last "studied" outfit is made up of all black items. I find this outfit cool and the combo of the flared sleeve shirt with the fitted black pants and the  leather shoes, brilliant. I also admired the fact that she kept it simple and sleek, keeping only 2 accessories, the tiny black bag and the cool sunglasses. Thumbs up!

Top cu maneci evazate H&M, pantaloni elastici H&M, mocasini din piele lacuita H&M, gentuta Venti Concept Store, ochelari de soare ASOS
Wish for another Kendall Jenner street style inspired post? Comment either here or on facebook here!

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